I checked my calendar it says it is an ask #dermatologists’ day.
Ask a dermatologist day — if you’re a dermatologist reading this piece, thank you for taking out time to because I’d love to know a few things about my skincare routine and struggles and if I’m on the right path to fixing these issues.
But firstly, I’d like to say that this post is also for my dry skinned babes, dry sensitive skinned people, those of us who have to moisturize every three-quarter of the day or end up looking pale *af* and skin feeling cracked and tightly squeezed like a cats’ bottom. If this is you just send me a clap 👏🏼 to notify me that you feel me on this.
So dry skin, some might claim that we got the better end of the stick because most of us rarely struggle with acne problems (especially facial ones) but what about us who do — in other areas — *raises hand*. I’ve got acne, hyperpigmentation, and inflammation bumps, caused by things like “hormonal imbalance”, sensitive punani (excuse my patois), period, ovulation and other factors. Another cause of vaginal acne/pimple is called Folliculitis (the inflammation of vaginal hair follicles). I have noticed that these infuriating bumps spring up (during my cycles) on my beautiful lady part from no just angle of the VANNY and I’m curious… is it just me? Plus, why does it reoccur in those particular spots?
Anyways, let me get to the point which is — HOW DO WE SOLVE THIS PROBLEM FOR GOOD! I’ve watched videos read articles, that first suggest seeing a gyno or dermatologist but I doubt I can afford the consultation fee(s) this period, hence, I use my MEDIUM *wink* to seek your voices, your thoughts, and your expertise (black/African women especially). To other women of colour, I’m so open to hearing from you as well.
Thé suggestions I gathered from various sources like YouTube, an African dermatologist, a Nigerian sister to be precisely mentioned that we should quit “shaving with sticks, WAXING, and all other types of hair removal methods except cream and laser treatment and I screamed *laughingmyassoff* WAXING — WAXING! WAXING HAS BEEN MY ARMPIT AND PLUM SAVER SINCE I DISCOVERED IT AND STUCK TO IT. I noticed my bumps reduce gradually but the scars and hyperpigmentation are still there because apparently... I’m supposed to give it so more attention, treatment, and care just as we do for the face… keep it exfoliated, hydrated, and moisturized, whew… the work. Ah! But I am willing, I’m ready to do so this year — hopefully — *fingers crossed*. I look down at my vanny and I love her, I give it a thorough checkup, speak a few words of affirmation to her and assure her that we can look better you know, to our standard. So here I am working towards it.
As a dry-sensitive skinned babe, my facial holy grail! My one top tier moisturizer, the lube to my face *drum rolllll*
E45 — straightforward skincare (it is just like the name and tagline states — a quality, straightforward skincare product). I must say a huge shoutout to the makers of this moisturizer. Thank you so much for this medicine. Ladies and gents, if you've yet to try this product. *inserts picture*
I highly recommend you do, especially those experiencing dry weather in their zones (e.g Nigeria, currently in harmattan).
So to our able-bodied and adept dermatologists, please chime in. I have begun moisturizing my vanny with E45 after a clean wash — is it a yay or a nay — which is it? To help clear the scars and give it a proper skincare treatment, what do you say.
Please share your thoughts and comments on this forever living topic, ladies especially, we need each other on this one.