5 min readJul 20, 2024


A black beauty in a cafe —

Croissants are my latest addictive. My goodness, have you ever beaten through something so good, crispy on the teeth, yet deflates like a cotton candy in the mouth, releasing buttery flavours down the throat, and doses of dopamine through the body vessels into the brain. My goodness, it is definitely worth the calories.

Addictions are so humane yet silly, they expose the very human sides of us. We can be vulnerable and seemingly weak no matter how well dressed we’re in a room full of strangers, some glancing at us while we stare straight at each other. Like this beautiful man staring at me across the cafe. He tries not to be noticeable, but from my angle you can see.

Eventually, we catch eyes, and I sheepishly smile, he smiles back, trying so hard not to be too obvious. I wonder what he’s thinking. “Oh, not to worry, he’s coming over.”



“Is this seat taken?”

“Not at the moment.”

He was smiling ear to ear as he pulled the seat across me. “Oh gosh… he’s my kind of handsome.”

“Lovely day. — I’m Ben. And you are…?” Stretching his hand towards me.


“Salome… beautiful name. It sounds like a song.”

We both chuckle.

“Thank you!”

“Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking.” “Giving me those smiles, if you know what I mean, you know… that mills and bones kind of smile.”

We proceed to start talking. Telling him I’m Nigerian, and he’s thrilled to hear that. Apparently, he has been to several Nigerian parties and weddings and he fell in love with our fiasco and flamboyant style and ceremonies.

I laugh at his excitement in pronouncing some of the Nigerian words and slangs he knew. He tells me more about himself… A 36-year-old young man working as a financial advisor and solicitor at a Tech company. I find that pretty thrilling, as I’m not a figurehead and find it pretty daunting, but the truth is, I never really liked maths, and that is a story for another day.

He’s been working for and with the company for seven years now. That’s a good sign…, “I think, because committing to anything in this generation of ours is rare. Everyone wants something thrilling or something they can’t have yet wish to have. And once we have it, we look for the next best thing or new thrill. It’s ridiculous but one of our humane weaknesses, I’m beginning to understand.” We keep talking about many things, the most random things, yet fun and funny. Like the weather, our jobs, and how demanding everything seems, from work to personal life balance to keeping up with friends and family. Whew… I glance at my clock it’s “5:30 pm.”

Oh my! It’s five already?”

“What’s wrong? You have somewhere to be?”

“Uhmm… yes! Yes I DO!, more like something to do.” Packing all my stuffs, and putting them into my bag.

“Ah… I guess it’s time to call it a day.”


“It’s been so nice chatting with you; I haven’t had such a refreshing conversation in a cafe for a long time.”

“Giggling… somehow, your culture and perspective of work and relationships are hilarious and heartwarming. I endorse it.”

Smiling… Thank you. May I get your number, please, so we can have a simple, delightful chat like this… some other time when you don’t have anything to rush to?”

I’m still blushing and hoping he can’t sense my excitement either. “Of course, we exchange numbers, I say, I call out my number, he flashes it immediately, giving me his. Umm… something is building up here. I get up and he does, almost reach for a hug, I stretch out my hands immediately so as not to embarrass him and we shake hands.

“Have a lovely evening, Ms Salome.”

“And you too, John.”

John is his name. He is average height, athletic build, with brown tan over his olive skin, giving him a beautiful hue. I felt so good as I walking out of the cafe, because it felt like almost everyone in the cafe watched our little soapopera.

I often enjoy coming to the cafe to eat croissants, watch people, and gain creative inspirations. It’s literally one of my favorite hobbies and things to do.

Why am I tell you this… I’ve realised that, people watching gives a lot of creative insights… By just observing the tiniest details of a person, you can create a story, or get inspired by people, triggering you to write more people-centred content and finding your niche. I say this as a woman who’s starting afresh in a new country, struggling to catch up with work, whilst balancing every other aspects of my personal life and hobbies which includes writing.

It’s been three years since my sister and I moved into one of the most beautiful, calmest country in Europe. The people here are so sweet, polite, down-to-earth, and highly welcoming. Being in the environment has kept me stable and more willing to create.

“P-pppppp!” The loud horn springs me out of my daydreaming.

I hurry to the nearest bus stand to catch a bus into town. There’s a meeting at my Alma Mater for all Alumni. I might be late, but I guess it was worth it, because I got distracted by a gorgeous man who seemed worth the minutes I spent at the cafe instead of journeying straight to the school after my treat.

Standing there contemplating whether or not I should text him immediately, eyes glued to my screen — contactJohn. It’s a bit cold and windy, yet I begin to feel my forehead sweating vigorously. A heavy engine noise approaches, people pacing to the left-hand side of the stand; quickly, I look up; it’s the bus. I lock my phone and board the bus.

Walking into the bus feels like a mini stage, where you try not to appear shy nor intimidated by the number of eyes staring at you— I’ve learned to appear indifferent with a poker face like I don’t care, but sometimes the stage can be nerve-racking. I climb to the upper part of the bus, navigating my way into a comfortable seat close to the window; immediately, I sit down, and another person hurries and sits next to me in a hasty manner. I quickly adjusted myself, unlocked my phone, and texted him.


This my friends might be the beginning of a fruitful millennial relationship. ☀︎

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Written by Adashofgreens

WELCOME TO MY 2 CENTS: where the divergents meet to discuss Life as we know it.

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